Dear Camp Jaycee Campers and Families,
First off, I hope that you remain in good health during these challenging times. We thank you all for your patience with regards to this year’s summer camp program. With a heavy heart, I share with you that Camp Jaycee will not be operating for the 2020 summer season. After many long days and sleepless nights, we had continued to plan, prepare, and be hopeful for another great summer at Camp Jaycee, but ultimately the uncertainties are still too great too late in the season. The risks associated with COVID-19 threaten our camp community, including the health and well-being of our campers and staff, a priority at Camp Jaycee. The final decision came with a board vote on Thursday evening.
Camp Jaycee is an experience that we have all been looking forward to but providing our safe and healthy camp takes many months of preparation under normal circumstances. Nevertheless, given the current uncertainties, international travel restrictions, shortage of supplies and guidance from health professionals Camp Jaycee cannot sincerely offer the experience your camper knows and was looking forward to. We will continue to engage and support our campers through our social media pages, with fun exciting videos, games and interactive challenges.
For our families and campers that have registered for the 2020 summer please find the following options below:
Tuition Roll over: For campers and families that registered and made full or partial payments prior to May 14th, we can hold and apply all or a portion of the fees towards the 2021 camp season.
Donations: Making a gift of some or all of the funds you have already paid is a generous way to ensure that Camp Jaycee remains strong and ready to re-open when it is safe to do so. Camp Jaycee aims to be here for our campers and families well into the future, and your gift helps preserves our mission to serve all. Thank you to everyone who is able to make this vital gift to Camp Jaycee during a time of extreme hardship.
Full or Partial Refunds: We know that many families are also facing their own hardships. We can process a full or partial refund in the amount paid or you may choose to take a partial refund.
I know this news is difficult and is something none of us have ever imagined we would see, but as a community, Camp Jaycee is confident that together we will remain positive and connected until the summer of 2021. Please stay safe and healthy because we cannot wait to see you in the summer of 2021!
Please click here to view a personal message from the camp director
Yours in camping,
Maureen “Mo” Brennan
Director of Camp Jaycee